Wednesday, October 07, 2009

India Investment & Enterpreneurship Event with Mayfield VC and Former Minister

I wanted to extend an invitation to the blog readers and discount (code: INDIA for 50% off) to an interesting upcoming event for those looking to do business in India.

On October 12th, 2009, join key influencers, and opinion makers at "Advantage India." Explore Investment, Business, and Career opportunities in India. Discuss industry issues candidly, debate new ideas and trends, ask questions, and share opinions. Network with technology executives, venture capitalists, investors, and intellectuals.

  • An award-winning journalist, scholar, politician - Dr. Arun Shourie, Former Minister, Information Technology, Disinvestment and Communications, India;
  • India's (Former) Lead Banker who co-chaired a G20 Working Group - Dr Rakesh Mohan, Former Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India;
  • The Silicon Valley VC who has the Midas touch - Mr Navin Chaddha, Managing Director, Mayfield Fund;
  • One of the most influential investors in technology - Mr. M.R Rangaswami, Co-Founder, Sand Hill Group.
  • V.I.P. Guest: Mr. Jamshyd Godrej, Managing Director, Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd.

If you are interested in what's happening in India and how to do business there, I certainly recommend this panel discussion.

More information here. Location: PlugNPlay Tech Center, Sunnyvale (Monday Oct 12th at 6.30pm).

1 comment:

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